Lorenza Franzoni

author of animated objects and actress in her own words



I happen to desire objects which do not exist or cannot be found; that’s how I got into the habit of building what I think of


Living nature

Everything I build, I wear. I live into my objects and circulate into their veins. That’s how I’ve become a speaking wunderkammer


Lingerie-type lace uterus, holy-milk font bra

With my objects, I pose for a photograph and I am transformed into paper, so that for my image an anarchical and bizarre life begins, a potential game



I didn’t choose to be born a female, and thus socially dangerous, but I find it an interesting role. This womanly body, which supports me politically, is the means by which to wear any historical, ethnic, sexual, religious identity and then lay it bare



Lorenza Franzoni P. IVA 02340200357